Sunday, February 16, 2020

Impact E-Commerce in business world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Impact E-Commerce in business world - Essay Example It saves time, offers freedom of choice and lower prices. E commerce has lately expanded to accommodate operations that include the sale and purchase of information along with the goods and services. In this paper, we shall see how to impact Electronic commerce in Business world. E-commerce has shown tremendous growth in products that make part of daily collection and consumers normally waste a lot of money on them. This is due to the proliferation of Internet stores and shopping, which is growing daily on the Internet. The possibilities are launching high efficiency and successful company linked in the work of electronic commerce on the Internet by adding a good promotion. E-Commerce refers to: business trading with other business on the internet (Dumitrache, 2010). In 2010, Dumitrache showed that E- Commerce can be categorized as: Business-to-consumer, in which E-Commerce concerns sales between supplier and retail customer Business-to-Business, in which E-commerce concerns sales be tween companies Business-to-government refers to sales between companies and government organizations Consumer-to-consumer refers to sales between private individuals or consumer. Other categories are business-to-employer and customer-to-business. The electronic commerce applications are mainly used because of such advantages as reduced transaction cost, increased flow of goods and services, improved level of customer service, close coordination enabled among manufacturers, suppliers, and customers and international market accessibility (Dumitrache, 2010). A lot of companies use internet to carry out business in which they sell or buy products and offer customer services. E-commerce, E-business and E-trading are teams that describe business on the internet. E-business provides companies with the opportunity to display their products and services to consumers all over the world. This offers the companies an opportunity to maximize their sales and hence profits. Electronic commerce ma intains effective communication with intermediary, collaborators and customers, which develops an effective way to exchange information with other firms. Electronic commerce is an excellent opportunity for companies that want to get advantage of the goods and services by other companies. The Internet provides users with a valuable means of communication and is a growing source of information that can help people make decisions (for example, where to find information and advice about running the business or the latest developments in technology and which products to buy) (Bauer, Nemcova, & Dvorak, 2010). E- Commerce Solutions (Bauer, Nemcova, & Dvorak, 2010). When any company or firm plans to develop the business using internet, it needs to do the following: Produce an e-business plan. Prepare to trade on the Internet. Monitor the success of the website and e-trading activities. Importance of these factors has grown with the global economic crisis as we know it now. You will need to gather information from many different places to develop your business using the Internet. This could include: Market research, customer and staff surveys, and the views of your suppliers Research into what similar businesses are doing with the Internet in the CZ and abroad Research into the laws relating to e-trading Information about how you currently sell and market the business and how this could be translated into a website Agreements with people and contracts for technical needs, following up enquiries and orders Advice from outside

Sunday, February 2, 2020

To what extent did Empire affect lives of continental Europeans Essay

To what extent did Empire affect lives of continental Europeans - Essay Example The resulting constitutional conflict was prevailed over by Otto Van Bismarck, the Minister President of Prussia in 1862 (Gooch, 1960, 58). Over the course of the latter part of the nineteenth century Bismarck involved Prussia in three wars, at some stage which the smaller German states were taken away from the presidency of Austria, the German Confederation was disbanded and Prussia developed to form a new and more entirely integrated Germany (ibid). France, on the other hand, became more centralized and liberal society during and after the Empire. The leaders in Paris confronted a few restrictions, and businessman took advantage of the freedom of commerce. Urban labourers and landless peasants, on the contrary, could stage only weak rebellions against their landowners. Even though the nobility had been dispossessed of its privileged and several of its owned land, the social hierarchy persisted; over the next five decades the nobility would unite with the upper bourgeoisie to form a new ruling class, which is known as the notables. The Church had lost its important role in society, yet it lingered on as a powerful force. A British blockade throughout the Revolutionary and Napoleonic periods had weakened the once flourishing Atlantic imperial economy. During these twenty-five years, England had surpassed the French economy in industrialization (ibid). The Empire in Germany symbolized success. Strengthened by the three victorious wars, she had replaced the nation of France as the first military power in continental Europe. The Prussian character was perceived to be equalled by remarkable progress in other directions. In almost all sectors of education and scientific innovations, the German Empire did not stand second to another. In manufacturing, German industry and commerce improved leaps and bounds. This success has been attributed by several of the historians and other scholars to the Prussian genius for organisation,